Wood floor even on the outside? Yes, we can! Let’s face it: a warm, elegant and natural floor looks so good in the house that it deserves a place out in the open and in plain sight, like on the terrace or on the driveway. Objection sustained: it does look good, but how long will it last? Outdoor means extreme: going from hot summer to cold winter, from sunny to rainy days, from dry weather to humid. Usually wood does not get along well with these kinds of changes.

On one side there the designers who glorify outdoor wood floor as an essential glam product for our home. On the other side, there are the ordinary people, like us, with doubts, concerns… and a budget to invest wisely on our house. What to do? Easy: here is some advice from Corà Parquet.

In this article we will explain why wood floor for outdoor is actually the right choice for you. Moreover, we will tell you the secret for a long lasting life. Easily and economically.

To each their own wood floor

Let’s debunk the myth that wood floor is a delicate product only suitable for the most intimate and quiet corner of our house. Wood is in fact particularly resistant and it was one of the first and long lasting material used by humans when building their homes. Even modern construction industry is looking back to… go further.

With wood, the ancients built boats of all shapes and sizes, from the Roman quinqueremes to Greek and Phoenician merchant ships or Viking warships. Up to the most modern galleons, which were made to withstand not only extreme conditions, but also … cannon shots. Many of these relics often re-emerge from the seas after being centuries under water and without salt scratches. On the other hand, even nowadays the true experts of private navigation do not disdain a return to the past for the greater durability guaranteed by the wood even compared to the most innovative materials.

So you got it: wood is natural light and most ecologic product. It is easy to lay and just on its own it can create comfortable and welcoming environments. Sure there’s wood and wood, you just need to know how to choose it. For example, in our Elysium Outdoor collection there are six species: Indonesian Teak, Module Teak (for a DIY laying), Ipé, Bangkirai, Thermotreated FSC Ash and Fsc Cumaru.

Six completely different products that can suit any flavour. All of them with the same main characteristic: their resistance to mould and weather conditions.

Always looking new? It’s easy!

Even if a strong wood floor does not fear weather conditions, it is also true that even the sight must be fed. Therefore a very strong wood floor has to stil look perfect even in the future. From this point of view wood has an advantage on the other surfaces: it is alive, it breathes, feeds and regenerates.

Once laid it is still raw and you can leave it this way if you like the “aged” effect: it will in fact become greyer with time due to climate changes, giving an effect of aging that catches the eye.

Alternately, decking can be treated with oils hat preserve the aesthetic characteristics by saving the parquet from the sun and other erosive factors. In this case, in addition to regular cleaning with less aggressive products, you just need to perform some nourishing treatment from time to time, and it will always look as new.

Regular cleaning

For regular cleaning, all products with bleach, ammonia and/or alcohol are strictly forbidden. Best thing will be to use a wood dedicated cleaning product like our Sundeck Soap. When used regularly, it keeps the natural look of the wood, removing any dirt and corrosive substances like chlorine or sea salt.

Impregnating oil

Impregnating oils are the best long-term protection for the surface integrity of our wood. They are a bit like sunscreen for our skin: an essential ally to counteract the premature aging of the skin’s surface caused by the sun. As long as it is a good quality product. Our advice is our Sundeck Wood Oil, a safe outdoor impregnating agent designed to combine elements that can absorb the ultraviolet rays that cause aging in a mix of natural and synthetic oils. In addition to being ideal for all external wooden parts such as window frames, fences, terraces and canopies, it is particularly suitable for high stepping surfaces. It is applied twice and leaves no cracks.

Free Mini Maintenance Decking Kit

And if you buy one of Corà decking product, the… “sun cream” is provided by us. In our free mini maintenance kit Decking you will find:



1 Microfiber cloth

So you will be able to try straight away how easy it is to maintain your wood floor. If you would like to buy our standard maintance kit for outdoor flooring, do not hesitate to email us at our office:


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